Several Iranian soldiers killed in Israeli strike in Syria

At least nine Iranians, and possibly as many as 32, were killed in a strike in Syria attributed to Israel.

By: World Israel News Staff

An Israeli strike inside Syria on Tuesday night targeted “missile depots and platforms” in an attack that killed at least nine Iranian soldiers, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), which has assets on the ground.

SOHR attributed the strike to Israel, which hit the Al-Kiswah area in southwestern Rif Dimashq and targeted missile-related infrastructure belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).

According to the SOHR, the attack killed at least nine Iranians, possibly IRGC troops or militiamen loyal to Iran. The attack also left several wounded, some of them seriously.

Syria’s official SANA news claimed that the Syrian air defenses intercepted two Israeli missiles and destroyed them.

Russia’s Sputnik news quoted a source at the Beirut International Airport that said that Israeli combat aircraft were in Lebanese airspace at the supposed time of the strike in Syria.

The Israeli NZIV site, quoting Syrian sources in Arabic, said that at least 32 individuals were killed in the strike, including a high ranking general and several other officers. Tight security was seen around the hospital to which the bodies were brought.

The IDF has remained silent on the reports, as has been its practice in most previous, similar incidents.

The attack came shortly after the IDF issued an extraordinary notice that it “detected irregular Iranian activity in Syria and is preparing the civilian population on the Golan Heights accordingly, as well as defensive systems. Any aggression against Israel will be met with a severe response.”

Israel’s Ynet news reported that the strike was a preventative attack against missiles that were aimed at Israel.

This latest strike in Syria attributed to Israel occurred nine days after similar strikes targeted Assad regime and Iranian positions in several Syrian areas, and specifically the Iranian-controlled 47th Brigade. In that attack, SOHR documented the death of at least 26 individuals, including four Syrians, but mostly Iranian.

The bombing targeted depots of ground-to-ground missiles belonging to the Iranian militia, which caused massive explosions in the area.
