Strategic Affairs minister reveals BDS groups’ ties to terrorists  

Gilad Erdan detailed the links between Palestinian terrorist organizations and groups involved in boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. 

By: World Israel News Staff 

Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan detailed on Tuesday night links between terror organizations and groups involved in the global boycott movement against Israel.

Organizations like Hamas and the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine, recognized terrorist organizations, are affiliated with anti-Israel organizations advocating BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions).

He presented “The Hate Net: A Research Highlighting The Prominent Role of the PA and Hamas in Leading BDS and Certain BDS Organizations’ Ties to Terror Groups” at this year’s Global Coalition 4 Israel Forum (GC4I).

On his twitter account after the conference, Erdan wrote: “Today at the #GC4I2018 forum, I revealed the map of the Delegitimization Network- aka, the Hate Net. We’ve mapped out the 42 leading #BDS orgs, their hub in Ramallah & the connections between them. We’re exposing their anti-Semitism & ties to terrorist groups like #Hamas & PFLP.”

Erdan said that “the perpetrators of this hate-filled campaign, who derive their ideology from the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, are united in their goal of attacking Israel.”

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BDS organizations hide behind “the guise of civil activities” but in reality about a quarter of these BDS groups have links to terrorist organizations, including Hamas and the PFLP, he explained.

The minister noted that al-Haq director Shawan Jabarin, a leader of the legal warfare campaign against the Jewish state, served a 13-year prison sentence in Israel for his involvement in the military wing of the PFLP.

Leila Khaled, another PFLP member and a convicted terrorist, was in South Africa raising money for BDS, said Erdan.

PFLP was responsible for numerous suicide bombings and terror attacks, including the 2014 Jerusalem synagogue massacre in which four Jewish worshipers and a policeman were killed with axes, knives and a gun, while seven were injured.

The minister also pointed to the Palestinian Authority’s recent adoption of the principles of the boycott movement in its Palestinian National Council in May.

“We saw attempts by senior PA officials to suspend Israel from FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) and to promote the ‘black lists’ formulated by the UN Human Rights Council,” he said.

“All of these campaigns, exposed by the Strategic Affairs Ministry, were extensively promoted by the BDS organizations.”
