Trump consoles father of Seattle black murder victim

President calls the father of Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr., who was shot and killed in a Seattle area that was taken over by protestors who refused to allow police in.

By World Israel News Staff

Moved by tearful interview of the father of a young black man who was murdered in an area of Seattle taken over by protestors, President Trump called to console the grieving parent, Fox News reported Thursday.

Trump spoke with Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr., whose 19-year-old son  was shot and killed in the self-proclaimed Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone after police had been forced from the area last month by violent protesters.

“Incredibly, Donald Trump called me,” Anderson said in an interview with Fox’s local station KCPQ-TV. “The President of the United States called me today. He gave his condolences, and me, I’m not a political guy. I told him, ‘Nobody like you.’ I’m real. Donald Trump called me and he didn’t have to call me.”

“I haven’t been able to sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night. I go look for him. He ain’t there,” Anderson said of his son.

Earlier this week Anderson was interviewed by FOX host Sean Hannity and described how after his son, Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr., had been gunned down in the lawless area in the early hours of June 20, he had not received any answers from the city or police about his son’s death.

In the Hannity interview, Anderson described how nobody from the city or police told him his son had been killed.

“The only way I found out was just two of his friends, just two friends that just happened to be up there, and they came and told me,” he said.

Reports on the night of the murder indicated first responders who came to the zone controlled by protesters were met by an angry mob that refused to let them in. Instead, Anderson Jr. and another black youth who was shot and seriously wounded were taken the hospital by self-described “CHOP medics.” His son was pronounced dead on arrival.

“My son needed help, and I don’t feel like they helped my son,” Anderson said. “I feel like he doesn’t — without this, he would just be nobody. He’s just — it doesn’t matter, he’s just another guy. Just another child, just swept up under the rug, and that’s it and forgotten about.”

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“I wake up in the morning… I look for my son in the morning,” Anderson told Hannity. “He’s not there no more. You know what I’m saying? It’s like I go in there, I’m kissing a picture. He’s not there.”

Since the zone was established, two black youths, one of them Anderson, have been killed in four shootings.

Earlier this week, police moved back into the zone to reclaim the area and city workers took down barricades protesters had set up.

Businesses owners and residents living inside the occupied had complained of violence and threats from demonstrators. Several lawsuits were filed against the city alleging city officials were complicit in letting the self-described anarchists occupy public streets that made them feel unsafe, Fox reported.

On June 11, shortly after protesters had forced police to withdraw and set up their “cop-free zone,” Trump warned the city to re-assert control or he would send in the military.
