Two shot in Samaria terrorist attack

Israeli man critically wounded after terrorists open fire on car in Samaria.

By World Israel News Staff

Two Israelis were wounded in a terrorist shooting attack in Samaria late Wednesday night.

The attack occurred just before midnight Wednesday, near the Israeli town of Itamar, south of the Palestinian Authority-administered city of Shechem (Nablus).

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on a passing car as it drove between Itamar and Gitit Junction, wounding a 21-year-old man and a 23-year-old woman.

A five-month-old baby girl who was in the backseat of the car was unharmed in the attack.

Emergency first responders from Magen David Adom and United Hatzalah were dispatched to the scene to treat the victims before they were airlifted to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva.

The 21-year-old man was conscious when paramedics arrived, but was listed in critical condition, while the female victim was listed in moderate condition.

Wednesday’s shooting attack comes a day after a terrorist brandishing a knife attempted to infiltrate into the Israeli town of Ofra in Samaria.

Earlier on Tuesday, Israeli forces foiled a terrorist attack at the Qalandiya Crossing near Jerusalem.

Read  1 murdered, 4 wounded in terrorist shooting on Israeli highway

According to police, a Palestinian woman draped in a Hamas flag and armed with a knife was shot by Israeli security forces after ignoring directives to halt.

She was treated at the scene before being taken into custody.

An Israeli man was killed last week in a shooting attack on Route 557 near the town of Einav in Samaria.

Magen David Adom emergency medical personnel said the victim’s vehicle overturned after being targeted by gunfire.

One terrorist was shot and captured, according to reports.

The victim was identified as Elhanan Klein, 29, a father of three from Einav. He was reportedly murdered as he returned home on leave from military reserve duty.

On Monday, Border Police Sgt. Elisheva Rose Ida Lubin died several hours after being stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist outside a police station near Jerusalem’s Old City. A second police officer was lightly wounded. Her killer, a 16-year-old resident of eastern Jerusalem, was shot and killed by responding officers.
