US Assures Israel: Iran Policy Unaffected by Trump’s Offer to Meet Rouhani

A US official reportedly communicated to Israel that there had been no change in the US’ Iran policy, notwithstanding Trump’s offer to negotiate with Tehran without any “preconditions.”

By: World Israel News and AP

Following US President Donald Trump’s offer on Monday to meet with Iran’s president without any “preconditions,” Israel was reportedly informed on Tuesday that the US’ strict policy toward Tehran has not changed.

The message was apparently relayed to an Israeli diplomatic source who cited “senior American officials” as his source, reported Times of Israel.

While Iranian officials’ initial reaction to Trump’s offer was overwhelmingly negative, Ali Akbar Nategh Nouri, a senior cleric and member of the influential Expediency Council, said Trump’s suggestion Monday that he would be willing to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani should not be categorically rejected.

“It should be discussed in the Supreme National Security Council,” said Nategh Nouri, who is also a former aide to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Nategh Nouri said “we have to contemplate” the gesture, but also cautioned “we should not rejoice over this offer and not get excited.”

“Trump may take advantage of this over-excitement,” he said, the state-run IRNA news agency reported. “It could be a test for us.

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The Iranian leadership has previously ruled out one-on-one talks with Trump, following his decision to pull the US out of the deal under which Iran was given relief from sanctions in return for curbs on its nuclear program.

Trump withdrew from the landmark nuclear accord in May and has vowed to ramp up sanctions until Iran radically changes its policies, including its support for Islamic terror proxies, such as Hamas and Hezbollah, and the Syrian government.

With the U.S. sanctions looming, the Iranian currency has been in freefall, hitting a new low Monday.
