‘Biased, unfair’ – US blasts anti-Israel UN report

State Department rejects results of UN report which claims Israel responsible for ongoing conflict with Palestinians.

By World Israel News Staff

The U.S. State Department slammed a new report by the U.N. Human Rights Commission on Tuesday which blamed Israel for Palestinian terror, calling the document unfair and misleading.

“As we have stated repeatedly, we firmly oppose the open-ended and vaguely defined nature of the UN Human Rights Council’s (HRC) Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the situation in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, which represents a one-sided, biased approach that does nothing to advance the prospects for peace,” read a statement from the State Department.

The State Department noted its concern that the COI is unfairly targeting Israel, noting that the report is part of a long history of bias towards the Jewish State from the entity.

“Israel is the only country subject to a standing agenda item at the HRC and has received disproportionate focus at the HRC compared to human rights situations elsewhere in the world,” the statement added.

“While no country is above scrutiny, the existence of this COI in its current form is a continuation of a longstanding pattern of unfairly singling out Israel. We reengaged with and later re-joined the HRC in part to be in a better position to address its flaws, including this one, and we will continue to seek reforms.

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“The United States remains deeply committed to helping achieve peace for both Israelis and Palestinians and will support actions in the UN that bring the parties together to advance prospects for peace.”

In June 2021, Linda Greenfield-Thomas, the Biden administration’s ambassador to the UN, called out the UNHRC’s repeated targeting of Israel.

“It is…appalling that the Council has one standing agenda – and that’s Israel – when there’s so many other countries that are committing human rights violations, and we see it every day in the news,” she said.

“We’ve seen that countries that have put Israel on the agenda on a regular basis have expressed views that are antisemitic, and many of those countries are in the Middle East,” she added.
