Arab League, UN reiterate call for two-state solution

The Arab League’s secretary-general provided more details in a two-state solution that would entail Israel relinquishing all territory won during the Six-Day War of 1967.

The secretary-generals of both the Arab League and the United Nations reiterated their calls on Thursday for a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA).

“It requires a comprehensive and just settlement based on a two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on 1967 borders with its capital in Jerusalem,” said Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit, according to the Egyptian news outlet MENA (Middle East News Agency).

Gheit was essentially calling for Israel to relinquish all territory won by Israel during the Six-Day War of 1967, in accordance with the guidelines of the Saudi Peace Initiative presented in 2002.

Gheit’s remarks followed a joint press conference on Wednesday between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump in which both leaders noticeably avoided making any explicit commitment to a two-state solution.

Gheit’s UN counterpart, Antonio Guterres, had similarly claimed that the two-state solution was the only viable outcome of an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

“There is no alternative solution for the situation between the Palestinians and Israelis other than the solution of establishing two states, and we should do all that can be done to maintain this,” Guterres said while visiting Cairo.

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By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News
