Arab-Israeli Conflict


Netanyahu: Abbas lied to Trump

'I heard Abbas say that the Palestinians teach their children peace. Unfortunately, that's not true. They name their schools after mass murderers of Israelis and they pay terrorists.'
May 5, 2017
Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel cuts funding to UNESCO

Israel will cut $1 M. of the funds it transfers to the United Nations following a UNESCO resolution denying Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem.
May 3, 2017
Gaza protest

Hamas, PA on the path to war

Are the Palestinians gain heading towards civil war? Tension between Hamas and Fatah have reached a new peak.
May 1, 2017
UNRWA headquarters in Gaza.

UNRWA employee dismissed over ties to Hamas

Israel's ambassador to the UN stressed the continued need to ensure that terrorists not be employed by the UN after the reported dismissal of an UNRWA official, who was also a senior Hamas member.
April 23, 2017