Arab-Israeli Conflict

Mahmoud Abbas

Abbas accuses Israel of ‘ethnic cleansing’ against Palestinians

Responding to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remark that the Palestinians want a future state ethnically cleansed of Jews, Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of conducting an ethnic cleansing campaign against the Palestinians.
September 12, 2016
Israel air force

IAF bombs Syrian target in response to mortar fire

As the Syrian Civil War continues and fighting occasionally spills over into Israeli territory, Israel acts on its long-standing promise to respond to every incident - intentional or not.
September 8, 2016
Mahmoud Abbas

Abbas claims Israel pushed off talks planned this month 

A flurry of back and forth accusations over who is responsible for rejecting the latest peace talks appears somewhat over-inflated as it seems both the Israeli and Palestinian leaders are indeed eager to partake in a summit led by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
September 7, 2016
Police Jerusalem

Jerusalem police arrest terrorist for fourth time

Police forces in Jerusalem on Monday arrested a Palestinian woman after she was again found to be carrying a knife, apparently on the way to commit a terror attack. The would-be-terrorist, 24, aroused the su...
September 6, 2016
Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas.

Report: Abbas willing to meet with Netanyahu in Moscow

It appears that an offer by Russian President Vladimir Putin to broker a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians is moving forward as both leaders have tentatively agreed to attending such a summit.
September 6, 2016
Netanyahu Putin

Netanyahu considering summit with Abbas in Moscow

In an effort to further demonstrate that he does not believe the French Initiative will further peace in the Middle East, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shown interest in a tripartite meeting between himself, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
September 5, 2016

Israel arrests Hamas terror funds courier

Israeli forces on Thursday arrested Bashir Mahmoud Younis Mustafa, a resident of the Gaza Strip and a holder of an Israel transit permit on charges he served as a courier for Hamas and transferred funds for them to terror elements.
September 4, 2016
Fatou Bensouda

Report: Israel may permit entry to ICC officials

Israel has reportedly agreed to allow entry to an International Criminal Court (ICC) working group - a first since the ICC is considered by Israel's government and much of its public to have a strong anti-Israel bias and has, until now, been barred from entering.
September 4, 2016
Gaza border

Palestinians fire at IDF on Gaza border

Israel has vowed to respond to even 'minor' incidents on the Gaza border in order to demonstrate that it is serious about protecting its citizens, and retaliated against a Hamas lookout post after an IDF unit came under fire.
September 4, 2016
Vladimir Putin

Report: Putin to host Israeli-Palestinian talks in Moscow

Early negotiations are currently underway to set up a tripartite meeting in Moscow between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
August 29, 2016
forgery bust

Israeli police shut down Palestinian forgery lab

Israeli police and IDF forces entered the Palestinian village of Akraba, in the Shechem (Nablus) area, and uncovered a forgery lab used to produce false Israeli entry certificates, work permits, identification cards and driver's licenses.
August 23, 2016
Hamas rocket

Hamas threatens to attack Israel again

Hamas held a mass rally in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip, on Sunday to mark the two year anniversary of its attack on Israel which led to Operation Protective Edge.
August 22, 2016
tank Gaza

IDF strikes Hamas after rocket explodes in Southern Israel

Though the Gaza front has been relatively quiet, Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists are constantly working to prepare for their next major attack on Israel and occasionally fire rockets at Israel's civilian population centers.
August 21, 2016
Mount of Olives attack

Security forces arrest Jerusalem terrorist

Israeli security forces managed to capture a Palestinian terrorist who eluded arrest over the last week after he escaped from the scene of an attack during which he stabbed an Israeli civilian.
August 18, 2016
Mount of Olives attack

Palestinian wounds Israeli in stabbing attack

Palestinian terrorists continue to try and injure or kill innocent Israeli civilians. Unfortunately, many of these terrorists are incited to murder by their own leader, President Mahmoud Abbas.
August 11, 2016
Duvdavan Unit

Elite IDF undercover unit receives citation

The IDF's elite Duvedevan counter-terrorism unit will receive a special citation for its outstanding operations to fight Palestinian terrorism over the past year.
August 8, 2016