
Palestinians in stolen van

WATCH: Palestinian thieves make mistake, get caught in the act

Israeli Border Police officers on Saturday arrested 8 Arabs who entered Israeli illegally after they aroused suspicions by travelling on a major highway on the Jewish Sabbath in a van covered with a large picture of a prominent rabbi.
July 3, 2017
Iraqi forces in Mosul

WATCH: ISIS terrorists in Iraq trapped

The battle to take Mosul from ISIS nears its end as the few hundred remaining ISIS terrorists have retreated to a one-square mile area surrounded by Iraqi forces.
June 26, 2017
Netanyahu tweet

WATCH: Netanyahu starts Twitter war with Palestinians after brutal murder

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took to Twitter Monday no less than seven times to attack Palestinian president and Fatah leader, Mahmoud Abbas, for, "Naming yet another public square for a mass murderer," "decorating" a terrorist's house with flags and generally "poisoning the minds of Palestinian youth."
June 21, 2017