World News

Russia church attack

Russia: ISIS terrorist kills 5 churchgoers

An ISIS terrorist shot and killed five people who were leaving a Sunday service at a Russian Orthodox church in the Dagestan city of Kizlyar. Another five were wounded.
February 19, 2018
Florida shooting

Florida: 17 killed in high school massacre

Nikolas Cruz entered Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, shot and killed 17 students, and then walked away.  He was later arrested.
February 15, 2018
Rouhani and Mogherini

Iran: ‘We will stay in nuclear deal’ even if US exits

The Iranian president claims that even if the US exits the nuclear deal over what Trump calls its “fatal flaws,” the Islamic Republic will abide by the agreement with its other signatories. By: Batya Jerenbe...
February 8, 2018
ISIS Fighters

WATCH: ISIS focuses on Libya

This video explains the threat of ISIS in Libya and what needs to be done to stop it from spreading further.
January 21, 2018