Hamas again threatens Tel Aviv as IDF targets terrorist homes

Israelis living within four kilometers of the Gaza Strip were ordered to stay in their homes and near their safe rooms on Monday.

By World Israel News Staff

Hamas again threated to fire rockets into Israel’s central region on Monday after the IDF attacked the homes of five senior members of the terrorist organization.

Hamas referred to these as “civilian homes.” However, Israel has been careful to avoid civilian casualties.

On Monday, the IDF continued to target the terror group’s multistory structures and its underground tunnel system, dubbed the “metro” by Israel. On Sunday, the IDF targeted the home of Gaza’s top Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar, in the city of Khan Younis.

Hamas continued to fire on Israel’s southern region throughout Monday, the Shavuot holiday. The IDF counted 250 rocket and mortar launches. Israel’s Iron Dome system intercepted 90% of the rockets it targeted. Twenty-five of the rockets fell into the Gaza Strip.

Israelis living within four kilometers of the Gaza Strip were ordered to stay in their homes and near their safe rooms.

Red alert sirens sounded in communities in the Gaza envelope and in the major southern Israeli cities of Beer Sheba, Ashdod and Ashkelon. A building in Ashdod suffered a direct hit and three people were lightly injured. A piece of shrapnel dropped onto a car in Netivot. Magen David Adom counted 25 total injured on Monday, all of them with light injuries.

However, Hamas refrained from attacking Israel’s central region overnight Sunday and through Monday. This is what it threatened to change on Monday evening.

Israel’s Home Front Command extended restrictions for central Israel up to the city of Netanya until Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Schools are cancelled until then.

Home Front Commander Maj. Gen. Uri Gordon told Walla News: “”The rate of fire from the Gaza Strip towards Israel was the highest and most significant of all Israeli operations in at least the last two decades. There was no campaign with a rate of fire of almost 3,000 rockets in six to seven days.”
