Did Hezbollah promise Russia to ignore Israeli strikes in Syria?

Hezbollah is denying media reports that it promised Russia not to retaliate against Israeli strikes in Syria.

The Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror organization denied on Saturday what it termed as “untrue” news reports circulated on Friday about an alleged pledge it had made to Russia.

Some outlets cited reports by Israeli media that the terrorist group promised Russia not to respond to Israeli raids against Hezbollah targets inside Syria.

“What is stated in this article is not true and completely different to reality,” the terror organization stated, adding that Hezbollah and Russia are the “main allies of the Syrian army in its war on terrorism.”

Hezbollah’s statement comes after Israel reportedly attacked twice inside Syria over the past week.

Israel’s Air Force (IAF) reportedly carried out several airstrikes inside Syria on Tuesday.

The official Syrian news agency reported that Israel attacked the al-Mezzeh military air base outside Damascus with ground-to-ground missiles, causing damage but no injuries.

Simultaneously, Syrian sources reported that Hezbollah sites near Damascus were also targeted Tuesday night by Israeli airstrikes that killed and injured a number of terrorists.

Israeli officials have not confirmed the reports.

Similar reports of IAF strikes inside Syria have emerged in the past.

Read  As Lebanon war looms, Arab League drops Hezbollah from terror blacklist

The previous Wednesday, Arab media reported that IAF aircraft attacked two targets near Damascus, destroying weapons intended for Hezbollah. Syria later confirmed the reports.

Hezbollah has been working hard to arm itself with advanced weapons. Israel asserted repeatedly that it will not allow the terror organization to acquire advanced weaponry, which would threaten the Jewish state and compromise the IDF’s capability to maneuver in Lebanon in the event of another war.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has confirmed in the past that Israel carried out several attacks against Hezbollah to prevent the group from obtaining advanced weapons.

The IDF has stated that its Home Front Command was preparing for a scenario of hundreds of civilian casualties and for 1,000-1,500 rockets raining daily on Israeli population centers in an eventual conflict with Hezbollah.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News
