Iran says it thwarted mass terror plots in country

Iran says it thwarted a series of terror plots slated for the month of Ramadan.

By: World Israel News Staff

Iran’s security forces reportedly arrested a 27-member terror cell before it could carry out terror attacks in the Islamic Republic.

According to a statement by the Intelligence Ministry on Monday, Iranian security forces managed to identify and arrest the terrorists before the attacks, slated to be carried out during the Muslim month of Ramadan and the anti-Israel Quds Day march, which was observed last Friday.

The Iranian forces also confiscated military equipment that the terrorists had intended to use, including grenades, bombs, handguns and assault rifles.

The statement said that the terrorists “intended to carry out their acts of sabotage in Tehran and some other major cities to create chaos and insecurity in the country.”

Prior to the attack, the terrorists published pictures on the Internet and threatened the Iranian people with murder and revenge, “but they were all nabbed after a series of police and intelligence operations,” the ministry said.

The statement did not identify the terrorists nor say whether they were affiliated with any terror organization.

On Sunday, the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force said that his troops eliminated two terrorist teams in northwest Iran over a 24-hour period, only a day after confronting a seven-member team of intruders.

Speaking to reporters, Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour said the IRGC soldiers had successfully “fought off an intensified wave of terrorist activities.”

The two teams were identified only as “anti-Revolution outlaws” who “made desperate attempts” to infiltrate into Iran.

In June 2017, the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group carried out twin attacks that rocked Iran in what was the terror group’s first recorded activity in the Islamic Republic.

The attack started when the terrorists, dressed as women and armed with Kalashnikovs, opened fire at men protecting the Iranian parliament, killing one and wounding 12. At the same time, a suicide bomber detonated at the tomb of Shiite cleric Ayatollah Khomeini, who led Iran’s 1979 revolution.

In total, 12 were killed and 44 were wounded.

ISIS considers the Iranian Shiite stream of Islam heretical and has been fighting militias affiliated with the Islamic Republic in Syria for some time now.
