Iran threatens to renew uranium enrichment

Iran’s high-level enriched uranium is believed to be used for one purpose only – to develop nuclear bombs, though it denies it has intentions to build a nuclear weapon.

Iran’s leaders continue to threaten the West over the implementation of the controversial nuclear deal in what appears to be belligerent state policy to intimidate the P5+1 into possible further concessions.

The latest to issue such threats was Iran’s nuclear chief, who warned that Iran still attains the needed capabilities to resume uranium enrichment operations at an even higher capacity than before if the West continues to “disrespect the nuclear deal.”

“We can go to better conditions compared with the past as quickly as possible,” Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi said in a televised interview on Wednesday, Iran’s Fars news reported.

“Of course, this will happen if the other side violates the nuclear deal and this violation will be confirmed by the board (in Iran) which supervises (implementation of) the nuclear deal,” he added.

Iran’s high-level enriched uranium is believed to be used for one purpose only – to develop nuclear bombs. Iran has denied that it has intentions to build a nuclear weapon.

“Certain EU members speak to strengthen the nuclear deal and some others make unjustified remarks,” he charged.

His remarks came after Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani called on the AEOI to prepare a plan for the construction of a nuclear plant in the country to enrich uranium in response to “the US disloyalty to the nuclear deal.”

Addressing the Iranian MPs in an open session of the parliament in Tehran on Wednesday, Larijani blasted the recent UN Chief’s report to the UN Security Council on the implementation of the resolution 2231, which also pertains to Iran’s missile development program.

“Although the UN chief’s recent report to the UNSC on the nuclear deal and the remarks by envoys of certain members of the Group 5+1 didn’t entail any legal undertaking for Iran, it included mistakes in different aspects which is somehow a free fall for the UN chief and the UNSC,” he underlined.

Larijani expressed deep regret over Ban’s report and warned the US administration and Congress that their hostile measures against the nuclear deal have intensified to the extent that they have left no option for Iran but reciprocity.

Congress recently voted on measures to extend certain sanctions against Iran.

Iran alleges that the US has been lagging in its implementation of the nuclear deal and has not fully abided by the agreement in action.

By: Atara Beck, World Israel News
