Israeli college expels student who supported deadly terror attack

Arab student kicked out of Tzfat Academic College for WhatsApp texts lauding Hadera terror attack.

By David Hellerman, World Israel News

The Tzfat Academic College expelled an Arab student who lauded a deadly terror attack in a WhatsApp message to another student, Israel National News reported on Sunday.

According to the report, the Arab student in question praised a terror attack in Hadera. Corporals Yazan Falah and Shirel Aboukrat were killed while responding to a pair of Israeli Arabs who opened fire on a bus stop in coastal town near Haifa.

The terrorists, cousins Ibrahim and Ayman Aghbaria of Umm al-Fahm, were killed by police.

The student, whose name was not released, described the Aghbarias as “heroes” and said “it is good that the Jews suffer.”

Israel National News reported that the message’s recipient was a Druze student who was shaken because Corporal Falah was also a Druze. The student contacted the college administration.

The Arab student was summoned to a hearing where other complaints about his behavior were raised. According to the report, students cited verbal and physical abuse and threats. Two female students said he claimed to know where they lived and threatened to throw a grenade at their homes.

“The disciplinary committee’s decision was necessary and correct in light of the student’s behavior,” said college director Shlomi Ben Non.

“We will not allow expressions of hatred and incitement at the college. Tzfat Academic College will provide a calm and safe academic space for its students, and anyone who attempts to harm this fabric of life or intimidate his fellow students will be expelled from the college immediately.”

Some 3,000 students attend the public college.
