Maryland anti-hate task force staffer who denied Hamas atrocities suspended

Muslim activist Zainab Chaudry posted anti-Israel comments after the Hamas invasion of October 7.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Maryland’s attorney general suspended a member of his own anti-hate task force after her vociferously anti-Israel online comments were revealed, including denials that Hamas killed Israeli infants during its October 7 invasion of Gaza envelope communities.

“The Office of Attorney General learned last week about personal social media posts of a member of the Maryland Commission on Hate Crimes Response and Prevention, Zainab Chaudry, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR] – Maryland Office,” Anthony Brown said in a press release.

Chaudry has been “temporarily suspended,” he said, due to the fact that “personal postings that could be reasonably perceived as hate speech may disrupt the ability of the Commission to accomplish its important work.”

The task force, Brown pointed out, had been established just this year in order “to help rid our state of unlawful and hateful activities,” and “this critical mission requires Commission members to work collaboratively and with mutual respect.”

Chaudry had in essence dismissed the Hamas massacre of 1,200 people, which included burning families alive and beheading infants – much of which was documented from the terrorists’ own cell phones, Go Pro cameras and security cameras stationed in the kibbutzim and towns they had overrun.

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On October 26, Chaudry posted to Facebook, “I will never be able to understand how the world summoned up rage for 40 fake Israeli babies while completely turning a blind eye to 3,000 real Palestinian babies.”

Hamas has never offered any evidence to back up its claim that such a large number of Gazan children have been killed in Israel’s ongoing airstrikes on the coastal enclave. Chaudry has also not acknowledged that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, as proven by the IDF and acknowledged by the White House.

In other posts, Chaudry also compared Israel to Nazi Germany, praised “Palestinian martyrs,” and suggested that Israel’s mere existence caused the war.

When reached for comment, Chaudry told Fox News Digital that the Israeli government wanted to commit genocide against the Palestinians. She then offered a general condemnation of the killing of all civilians in the war.

CAIR is a Muslim civil rights and advocacy group, many of whose officials have engaged in antisemitic rhetoric and anti-Israel activities over the years. In a 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development for illegally funding Hamas, as it is on the list of U.S.-designated terrorist organizations, the evidence linked CAIR leaders to Hamas, and the organization was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case.

Despite this, U.S. President Joe Biden included the group in his much-touted national strategy to counter antisemitism that he revealed earlier this year. It was a move that raised many eyebrows both among members of Congress and Jewish groups.

A senior Hamas official had said early on in Operation Iron Swords that the group would seek the release of CAIR founder Ghassan Elashi, sentenced to 65 years in prison for his role in the Foundation, in exchange for hostages with American citizenship.
