Second time in one day: Security guard wounded in Jerusalem terror attack

In both cases, the victim was lightly injured and the terrorist was neutralized.

By JNS and United with Israel Staff

An Israeli security guard was lightly wounded on Thursday night in a stabbing attack at the Givat Hamivtar light-rail station in northern Jerusalem.

Magen David Adom paramedics treated the victim, a male in his 20s, before evacuating him to the Hadassah Mount Scopus Medical Center in the capital.

The terrorist was “neutralized” on the spot, according to authorities.

“The victim was fully conscious at the light-rail station. We were told that he was attacked by the terrorist and lightly hurt in his hand,” said MDA first responder Chaim Blech.

“As he fought with the terrorist, a nearby police officer assisted him and neutralized the assailant,” he added.

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Moshe Arevlich who was one of the first responders at the scene said, “I treated one person for a stab wound and stopped the bleeding. After he was stabilized at the scene, he was transported by ambulance to the hospital while fully conscious. At the time of transport he was in light condition.”

Earlier in the day, an Israeli security guard was injured in a terrorist car-ramming attack on the outskirts of Jerusalem.

The attack occurred at the Qalandiya crossing, just north of the capital, at approximately 12:30 p.m. Thursday, when an Arab terrorist rammed his vehicle into a security guard stationed at the checkpoint.

Read  1 dead, 1 wounded in terror attack in northern Israel
