Top US Jewish leader: Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital ‘the right thing’ to do

When doing the right thing, “you shouldn’t ask questions, just do it,” Malcolm Hoenlein said regarding US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, stated that moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is the ” right thing.”

President Donald Trump is expected to announce on Wednesday that the US officially recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The Palestinians and the Muslim world are threatening violence.

Addressing the launch of the Knesset Lobby for the Protection of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem on Wednesday, Hoenlein noted that when Trump visited the Western Wall in May and made a declaration recognizing Jerusalem as holy to the Jews, “there was not even one flare-up, not one demonstration, because when you do the right thing, you shouldn’t ask questions, just do it.”

The Knesset Lobby for the Protection of the Mount of Olives, the largest lobby in the Israeli parliament with members from across the political spectrum, is tasked with ending the desecration of ancient graves at the Jewish cemetery at the site and bringing to justice the Palestinian vandals who attack visitors.

The lobby was launched in 2010 by the International Main Committee for the Protection of the Mount of Olives, led by Avraham and Menachem Lubinsky.

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Some 50 members of the Committee visited the Mount of Olives on Tuesday and were briefed on the improved security situation and procedures by Jerusalem District Police Commander Yoram Halevi.
