Trump slams rival DeSantis, accuses him of ‘taxpayer-funded globe-trotting’

Trump blasts Florida governor Ron DeSantis for “flip-flopping” on pledge to resign before seeking office, says he is at odds with Florida law.

By World Israel News Staff

As former president Donald Trump gears up for his 2024 campaign for the Republican nomination for president, the former head of state released a blistering attack on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is widely considered his biggest political rival.

In a statement on Monday, Trump accused DeSantis of “flip-flopping” by not resigning from his position as governor as he actively seeks the Republican nomination for president.

DeSantis, however, has not officially declared that he is running.

Trump pointed out that Florida has a “resign-to-run” law, which means that political figures seeking election in a different capacity must first resign from their current roles.

DeSantis previously resigned from his role as a congressman in order to run for governor and said at the time that he was doing so to “protect the taxpayers.” He explained at the time that it would be “inappropriate” for him to collect a taxpayer-funded salary when he would be missing the majority of legislative days due to his campaign.

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The statement from Trump quoted Nova Southeastern University Law School Professor Bob Jarvis, who had told the AP that “there is no ambiguity, no debate, no dispute. Under current law, DeSantis cannot run for president before first resigning as a governor.”

“DeSantis also plans to visit Israel and the U.K. in April to score some last-minute foreign policy credentials for his 2024 presidential campaign, and it is now being reported that DeSantis will also visit Japan and Korea as part of his taxpayer-funded globetrotting,” the Trump statement continued.

“Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to campaign full-time for president, during the Florida legislative session, while collecting a salary and having the taxpayers pick up the costs for his travel and security. It’s a massive flip-flop from his position in 2018,” said Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung.

“To make matters worse, DeSantis’ upcoming taxpayer-funded campaign travel appears to put him at odds with Florida’s existing ‘Resign to Run’ law.”

“DeSantis’ gubernatorial office, however, refuses to tell reporters – and the public – how much taxpayer money has been spent to fund these travels, or how much DeSantis’ April globetrotting will cost,” the Trump statement concluded.
