US blocks UN from recognizing Palestinian state

Israel praised the United States for vetoing the “shameful” UN resolution.

By World Israel News Staff

On Thursday, the United States exercised its veto power to block a Security Council resolution seeking to grant full member status to the Palestinian Authority within the United Nations.

The resolution garnered support from 12 countries including Slovenia, Sierra Leone, Russia, South Korea, Mozambique, Malta, Japan, Guyana, France, Ecuador, China, and Algeria.

Two countries, Britain and Switzerland, abstained from voting.

Following the veto, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz denounced the proposal, stating, “The attempt to recognize a Palestinian state, especially in the wake of recent atrocities perpetrated by Hamas terrorists, is tantamount to rewarding terrorism.”

Katz commended the United States for vetoing the resolution, labeling it as “shameful.” He emphasized the need to condemn Hamas’ heinous acts and reiterated Israel’s commitment to combat terrorism until Hamas is dismantled and all hostages in Gaza are freed.

The U.S. had publicly declared its opposition to the resolution prior to the vote, affirming its intention to veto the measure if necessary.

Earlier, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, strongly criticized the Security Council’s consideration of granting full membership to the Palestinian Authority, particularly in light of the recent Hamas massacre on October 7.

Erdan argued that unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state would hinder future negotiations, urging the Council not to succumb to political pressures and to reject the resolution.

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The Palestinian Authority, having been granted non-member observer status in the UN in 2012, reinitiated its bid for full membership, prompting the Security Council to initiate a formal review process.

Despite the Security Council committee’s inability to reach a unanimous recommendation on the PA’s eligibility, the Palestinian Authority proceeded with the vote on Thursday.
