Israeli security forces thwart major terror attack in Jerusalem

Vigilant Israeli security forces thwarted a major Palestinian terror attack in Jerusalem. 

On Tuesday, Israeli Police searched six Palestinians at a checkpoint on the southeastern outskirts of Jerusalem, finding in their possession a bag containing knives, stun grenades and Molotov cocktails. By discovering the weapons, the police foiled an attempted terrorist attack.

Border police officers at the Mizmoria Checkpoint, at Jerusalem’s southern entrance, noticed that the back and front license plates on the suspects’ car did not match.

The officers stopped the vehicle and instructed the six men to get out of the car. All were Palestinians, and none of them were carrying identity cards or permits to enter Israel.

The vehicle was later found not to have a valid license.

The crossing was shut down and a sapper was called to the area to check the car, while the suspects were transferred to a Border Police station for questioning.

Police said the suspects admitted they were headed to Jerusalem to carry out a terror attack.

“The units prevented an attack, which could have had grave consequences, from taking place, and police and border police operations continue in all areas,” a police spokesman said.

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