Arab-Israeli Conflict

Lebanon border

IDF soldier wounded on border with Lebanon

Gunshots were fired by an unknown source on Lebanese territory, hitting an IDF soldier. The IDF is on high alert in the area to prevent a further escalation.
October 26, 2016

Jerusalem on high alert after deadly Arab attack

After an Arab man affiliated with Hamas killed two Israelis and injured six on Sunday in an abhorrent terror attack in Jerusalem, Israeli security forces are on high alert as they work to prevent further attacks.
October 10, 2016
Rocket terror gaza

Gaza terrorists again strike southern Israel with rocket

A day after they fired a rocket at Sderot, Palestinian terrorists again fired another rocket aimed at Israel's civilian population. Israel's Air Force responded again by attacking various Hamas targets throughout Gaza.
October 6, 2016
Barack Obama

US threatens Israel over building homes in Samaria

The Obama administration slammed what it perceived as Israel's decision to build a new community in Samaria. In reality, Israel is building close to 100 homes in the already-existing community of Shiloh.
October 6, 2016

Palestinian terrorists fire rocket at Sderot

Since Operation Protective Edge in the summer of 2014, there have been multiple rockets attacks from Gaza, and over 40 rockets have exploded in Israeli territory, four of them in Sderot.
October 5, 2016
Hebron attack

Palestinian terror shows no sign of abating

The seamlessly endless string of Palestinian terror attacks continued through Monday night and Tuesday morning as Israeli security forces worked to thwart them.
September 20, 2016

88 Senators urge Obama to block UN resolutions against Israel

The vast majority of US Senators, 88 out of the 100, have signed a letter to President Obama demanding that he continue to ensure the automatic American veto against any anti-Israel and unilateral actions by the UN Security Council.
September 20, 2016
Herod's gate attack

Palestinian terrorist stabs 2 police officers

A year after launching a fresh wave of terror attacks, Palestinian terrorists continue to try and kill Israeli security officials and civilians at every opportunity.
September 19, 2016
Efrat attack

Palestinian terrorist wounds IDF soldier in stabbing attack

A year after Palestinians started a fresh wave of terror attacks, killing dozens of innocent civilians and wounding many more, Palestinian terrorists have shown no sign of relenting and continue to try and attack Israeli civilians at every opportunity.
September 18, 2016
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Reports: Russia gives Syria green light to shoot down Israeli planes

After Israel attacked the Assad regime's military positions in response to projectiles fired from Syria that exploded inside Israel, Russia called on Israel to show restraint and has allegedly given Syria permission to shoot down Israeli planes that cross into its territory.
September 15, 2016
Syria Israel border

Syrian mortar explodes in Israel

Israel's policy to stay out of the Syrian Civil War does not prevent it from responding to any fire that falls within its territory. As the fighting draws nearer to the border, Israel remains on alert and will continue to target the sources of fire that threaten Israeli civilians.
September 15, 2016
article placeholder

IAF bombs Syrian target for 5th time in a week

Despite the ceasefire that went into effect on Monday in Syria, the fighting has continued along Israel's border and Israel has vowed to respond to any fire that lands on the Israeli side of the border.
September 14, 2016
IEC PA debt

Israel and PA settle massive Palestinian electric bill

Over the past decade, the Palestinians ran up huge debts amounting to $530 million to the Israel Electric Company. Now, Israel has resolved the issue and the Palestinian Authority will begin repaying its debt as well as implement a better system to ensure full control over its power grid.
September 14, 2016