Arab-Israeli Conflict

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Islamic State Deepens Grip in Future ‘Palestine’

Dozens of Hamas and Islamic Jihad members in Judea and Samaria have defected to the Islamic State in recent months. Their main goal is to topple the Palestinian Authority and launch terror attacks on Israel.
January 25, 2015
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World Nations Ignore Tel Aviv Terror Attack

“The Security Council has yet to say a word in response to the wave of terrorism aimed at Israeli citizens in recent months." – Ron Prosor, Israel's UN envoy
January 22, 2015
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Abbas’s Hypocrisy Continues as Fatah Praises Killers

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement continues to glorify killers of Israelis as "heroes" and "martyrs." Following is a report from Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli research institute that monitors Palestinian society.
January 18, 2015

Hidden Treasure: Pro-Israel Arabs in Silent Support

Muhammed Zoabi. (Photo: Facebook) In an exclusive interview, an Arab supporter begged us to get the message out that “there are thousands of Arabs living in Arabic lands who support Israel.”  Earlier thi...
January 15, 2015