FBI arrests ISIS supporter plotting Houston terrorist attack

A search of Said’s personal devices revealed pro-ISIS images and messages, including communication with the official media outlet for ISIS.

By Blake Mauro, The Washington Free Beacon

The FBI arrested Houston resident Anas Said for planning a terror attack on U.S. soil and supporting ISIS terrorists, officials announced on Thursday.

The 28-year-old, who was taken into federal custody last week, admitted to providing material support to ISIS, investigating how to execute an attack on local military recruiting centers, and boasting that he would commit a “9/11-style” attack if he had the necessary resources.

He also admitted to creating ISIS propaganda and offering his home as a refuge to ISIS members.

Said was coordinating the foiled attack from his far west Houston apartment, according to the FBI.

A search of Said’s personal devices revealed pro-ISIS images and messages, including communication with the official media outlet for ISIS.

Said has been charged with creating at least five videos and two images that were sent to an ISIS social media and web designer for publication.

“Today is a great day. We’ve taken a suspected terrorist off the streets of Houston,” Douglas Williams, special agent in charge of FBI Houston, said of the arrest in a Thursday morning news conference.

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