IDF forces shoot Palestinian terrorists who attempted attacks

While the wave of Palestinian terror attacks in Israel continued on Tuesday, Netanyahu called on the world to unite in the war on incitement – the root of terrorism.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

IDF Special Forces stationed at Gush Etzion Junction shot and killed a Palestinian terrorist armed with a knife as he attempted to stab Israelis on Tuesday morning.

A 35-year-old Israeli, who was passing by in his car, sustained light to moderate wounds in his hand and chest, apparently the result of shrapnel from the soldier’s gunfire. He was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem for treatment.
The terrorist was identified as a 16-year old Palestinian, a resident of Bethlehem.

This last attack was the tenth Palestinian terror attack at the Gush Etzion Junction in the current wave of terror. The two most notable attacks were the stabbing to death of Hadar Buchris on November 22 and the shooting of three victims, an Isareli, Ya’akob Don, an American Jew, Ezra Schwartz, and a Palestinian on November 19.

Two hours later, a female Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab IDF soldiers at the Einav checkpoint in Samaria. She was shor dead, while no Israelis were harmed in the attack.

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These incidents were the latest in a long series of Palestinian terror attacks, which have plagued Israelis over the course of the past two-and-a-half months, claiming the lives of 21 victims and wounding over 190.

Netanyahu: To Combat Terrorism One Must Combat Incitement

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday night that the West, which shares common values, in under attack by Islamic terrorism and must act together to combat the threat.

PM Netanyahu addressing the Paris Climate Conference

PM Netanyahu addresses the Paris Climate Conference. (GPO/Amos Ben Gershom)

Addressing the climate conference in Paris, he related to the recent terror attacks in the city, saying that the Israeli and French peoples “have long and bitter experience confronting terrorism. This is not surprising, because Israel and France have in common precisely those qualities that the terrorists seek to destroy: freedom, equality, pluralism, tolerance – democracy.”

However, he said that terrorism would not be victorious. “They fail to realize that those same shared values are the source of our strength – the strength we summon to overcome the pain of our losses, and the strength we summon to defeat the tyranny of the terrorists, the tyranny they seek to impose on our civilization, which always gets stronger, passing each test, overcoming each challenge.”

Turning to the driving engine behind terrorism – incitement, he said that “those who are committed to peace must fight incitement, must speak the truth.”

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“If [Palestinian] President Abbas is committed to peace, he must stop inciting his people against Israel, and start condemning the murder of innocents in Israel,” Netanyahu demanded.
