Iran struck ‘Mossad target’ in Iraq because it can’t hit Israel, Says Iraqi FM

Instead, The Iranian Revolutionary Guards launched missiles against Iraqi Kurds, killing four and wounding six.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

Iraqi Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein told CNN that the strike on Monday in Erbil, Iraq wasn’t intended against ‘Mossad headquarters’ as was claimed by terrorists, but happened only because Iran “is not capable of retaliating against Israel.”

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards terror group claimed they hit a Mossad target when instead they launched missiles against Iraqi Kurds, killing four and wounding six.

The terror group also claimed they struck Islamic State targets in Syria.

Hussein told CNN, “We condemn the attacks. They violate international law. We are taking various measures. We are also going to the Security Council in New York.”

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards wanted to give the impression that they were attacking Israeli intelligence centers in Iraq and released a statement saying, “In response to the recent atrocities of the Zionist regime, causing the killing of commanders of the Guards and the Axis of Resistance, one of the main Mossad espionage headquarters in Iraq’s Kurdistan region was destroyed with ballistic missiles.”

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When the CNN anchor asked Hussain about the escalating tension in the Middle East generally, he laid the blame squarely at the feet of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu.

He said that stopping the war and “putting more pressure on Netanyahu” would ease tensions in the Middle East.

Hussein said, “The war against the people in Gaza, it creates a huge problem. Not only for the Palestinian people but also for the entire region.”

He concluded, “To stop the war, and to open the door for more humanitarian aid for Gaza. That will help to stop the war in Gaza.”

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards has hurled heated rhetoric against Israel, especially following October 7th.

In response to recent warnings issued by Mossad Director David Barnea, Major General Hossein Salami, the chief of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, issued a stern threat to Israel, cautioning that any threat to Iran’s security would bring a prompt end to Israel’s existence.

“The Zionists find themselves grappling with numerous challenges, and their decline is apparent to the world. Their resort to empty rhetoric and threats against our commanders signify their desperate state,” Salami said on state-affiliated media.
