Israeli patriotism strong as ever despite pandemic, poll finds

The reactions of those surveyed scored consistently high, conveying optimism and hope.

By World Israel News Staff

Israeli patriotic feeling is as strong as ever, a new poll finds.

The poll, which surveyed 576 people, found that they believed that the Israel Defense Forces, the Shin Bet, (Israel’s internal security service) and the Mossad would find a solution to the crisis, Arutz7 reports.

The survey was conducted by market research firm Blueberries Panel on behalf of Galei Tikshoret, a firm founded to study Israeli public attitudes.

The overall average feeling of “national resilience” in the poll was a 5.42 out of a possible 7, “impressive and optimistic by all counts,” Arutz7 reports.

The reactions of those surveyed scored consistently high, conveying optimism and hope. In first place was a sense of security that Israel will emerge from the crisis (5.57). Hope came second (5.02) and a sense of calm and quiet was third (4.13). Men expressed more optimism than women overall.

Those surveyed were were asked to note their primary emotion out of a series of possible emotions. Most respondents (23%), chose “hope” two days before Passover.

Gal Galei, founder of Galei Tikshoret said, “As media people, it is important for us to know what the true position of the public is and to act accordingly.”

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Gal Basberg, CEO and owner of Galei Tikshoret said, “For years we at Galei Tikshoret have been seeking, in our work, to identify the real public position. This survey is a part of a measure that we’re producing – ‘a measure of the national mood’ and it has great media importance. It will provide a helpful tool to many public bodies and among them also ourselves as a media body that works on the public frontlines.”
