Jewish tourists threatened in Jordan, banned from praying at Aaron’s Tomb July 24, 2017An anti-Israel demonstration in Jordan. (PressTV)(PressTV)Jewish tourists threatened in Jordan, banned from praying at Aaron’s Tomb Tweet WhatsApp Email Email Print Jewish Israeli tourists in Jordan were threatened with jail if they prayed in the Hashemite Kingdom. Jordanian authorities threatened Jewish visitors from Israel with jail if they prayed anywhere in the Hashemite Kingdom.The Israelis intended to see the Tomb of Aaron, the biblical High Priest and brother of Moses. According to Jewish tradition, Aaron is buried on Mount Hor, adjacent to the ancient Nabatean city of Petra in modern Jordan.“It emerged that they were not allowed [to show] any religious symbols, ” Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon told Times of Israel.Nachson said the incident took place on Sunday or Monday.Jordanian police officers told the Israeli pilgrims that “in all of Jordan it is forbidden for Jews to pray,” B’nei Brak Rabbi Menashe Zelicha said in an interview with Kol Chai radio, adding that the pilgrims’ belongings were thoroughly checked at the border.“One guy had on him a driving written test booklet, they took it. They took people’s skullcaps. People were left with only their shirt and trousers,” he continued. “Policemen came into the hotel and were shouting and went wild, saying that in a minute they would take us out of Jordan if we made even a tiny squeak.”The families of the detained men contacted the Israeli Foreign Ministry, which said in a statement: “The consul spoke to them and ask them to keep a low profile and follow police’s instructions. In addition, the consul will advise them to return to Israel earlier due to the explosive timing,” Ynet News reported.The current Temple Mount crisis in Jerusalem, where the IDF installed metal detectors after an Arab terrorist murdered two Druze Israeli policemen over a week ago, has led to rising anti-Israeli activity in Jordan.During the 1967 Six Day War, Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem and handed administrative control of the Mount to the Jordanian Waqf. Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty in October 1994.By: Daniel Krygier, World Israel News JordanNahshonTemple Mount