WIN poll’s overwhelming results: Trump will be good for Israel! March 8, 2017Netanyahu and Trump in New York in September. (Kobi Gideon/GPO/File)(Kobi Gideon/GPO)WIN poll’s overwhelming results: Trump will be good for Israel!A World Israel News (WIN) poll shows that over 93% of its subscribers predict that Trump will be a good friend to Israel. World Israel News (WIN) polled 3746 visitors during the month of February, asking if they believe that US President Donald Trump will be good for Israel.The results were overwhelming.93.7% of participants voted that Trump will be a good friend to Israel.While Trump’s position on Israeli “settlements” and the two-state solution are somewhat unclear, WIN subscribers believe that overall, the president has been more favorable towards Israel than has Obama and that US-Israel relations have improved.The poll respondents are optimistic that Trump will prove to be a good friend of Israel throughout his presidency. ObamapollUS-Israel relationsWIN poll