Israel takes down Hezbollah cell operating in Samaria January 20, 2016IDF Special Forces operating. (Screenshot)(Screenshot)Israel takes down Hezbollah cell operating in Samaria Tweet WhatsApp Email Email Print Israeli security forces thwarted an elaborate Hezbollah terror plot, directed from Lebanon by Jawad Nasrallah, the son of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, to attack Israelis in Judea and Samaria.By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel NewsJawad Nasrallah. (Screenshot)Israeli security forces apprehended a Palestinian terror cell that was directed by the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror group, the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) stated Wednesday.The terror cell, which operated out of the Tul Karem area, was led by Mahmoud Za’alul and directed from Lebanon by Jawad Nasrallah, the son of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah.Nassrallah recruited the cell through social media, and directed it via email.The cell was ordered to prepare suicide bombings and shooting attacks, to collect intelligence and to establish a training camp. The cell asked Hezbollah for monetary assistance and in acquiring weapons to carry out attacks. Hezbollah sent $5,000 to finance a terror attack, the Shin Bet said. Two members of the cell, Mohammed Masaruha and Ahmed Abu El-Az, purchased firearms from Za’alul and were very close to carrying out a shooting attack.Za’alul, 33, has already been incarcerated in Israel between 2001 and 2005 for security offenses. Another cell member, Rabah Labadi, 28, also spent several years behind bars for security offenses.Read WATCH: IDF turns Hezbollah villages into dustThree other Tulkarm residents, all aged 20, have no previous security convictions.“This is another attempt by Hezbollah to carry out an attack on Israel,” the Shin Bet said in a statement. Hezbollah Relentlessly Plotting Against IsraelHezbollah’s Unit 133, which orchestrates terrorism against Israel, has in recent years attempted to establish a terrorist network in Judea and Samaria unsuccessfully, the Shin Bet added. This specific incident consisted of “a highly unusual incident in which a terror cell, guided by Hezbollah, was ready to attack,” the Shin Bet said.“Hezbollah is trying to ride the wave of terror” which has recently been plaguing Israel, “and is working intensively to incite on the ground by contributing to the growing incitement and by exploiting the Palestinian population and enticing youths to carry out attacks under its guidance in return for payments,” it added.“Hezbollah is making use of remote recruitment and activation of terror cells, while using the internet covertly in order to execute low-key terrorist attacks from abroad,” the Shin Bet said.The five terrorists were indicted at the Judea Military Court and were charged with membership in an illegal organization, contact with the enemy, bringing enemy funds into the area, conspiracy to cause deliberate death, trafficking in combat equipment, conspiring to shoot at people, and disrupting the course of legal proceedings, among other offenses.Read Hezbollah taunts IDF, denies it received ceasefire proposal Hassan NasrallahHezbollahJawad NasrallahJudea and SamariaPalestinian terrorShin BetTul-Karem