“The future of global security cannot rely on the hypothesis that Iran will become Holland,” Minister Steinitz said, regarding the pending nuclear deal that would lift all sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
By: Atara Beck, World Israel News

US Secretary of State Kerry (L) and Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif during negotiations. (AP/Brian Snyder)
Israeli Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources Yuval Steinitz repeatedly warned this week that the emerging nuclear deal with Iran will threaten global security.
Speaking at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference on Sunday in New York, Steinitz said the framework deal has “too many loopholes.”
“We see the emerging agreement as bad for Israel and dangerous for the world,” he stated.
All options are on the table with regard to Israel’s defense against a nuclear Iran, he said. “I never elaborate about the military option, but I can only say that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear he won’t allow nuclear weapons.”
“The future of global security cannot rely on the hypothesis that Iran will become Holland,” Steinitz continued, attacking the 10-year deal that would lift all sanctions leveled against the Islamic Republic.
Steinitz repeated this message on Monday while addressing an audience at the American Jewish Committee’s Global Forum in Washington.
“What if Iran remains committed to the destruction of Israel even 12 years from now,” Steinitz explained. “I think it should be the other way around…. If Iran becomes Holland, then we trust them.”
“If Iran remains Iran,” he continued, “then the forthcoming deal will give no answer. This is about the future of Israel and global security.”
Steinitz pointed to other failures in the deal, including allowing Iran do develop its nuclear research, and Iran’s refusal to admit inspectors to its military installations, which are suspected of hosting part of its nuclear program. “If military sites cannot be approached by [UN] IAEA inspectors, the whole inspections regime will be useless,” he warned.
The minister demanded that the world learn from the experience with North Korea “not to repeat the same mistakes.”
The pending deal with Tehran has generated high diplomatic tension between Jerusalem and Washington, but Steinitz stressed that “we are working very closely with our US friends despite our differences.”