Israel revokes permits for UNRWA schools in Jerusalem

The Israeli national security council has decided to expel UNRWA from Jerusalem, leaving the schools to be run by the municipality and the education ministry. 

By World Israel News Staff

Israel is revoking the permits for Jerusalem schools run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA). Instead, the schools will be run by the Jerusalem municipality and the Israeli education ministry, like all others..

The Israeli national security council has decided to expel UNRWA from Jerusalem, saying the organization perpetuates the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and prevents the descendants of refugees from settling abroad, Hadashot TV reported on Saturday.

“The era of UNRWA in Jerusalem is over. The time has come to stop the refugee lie in Jerusalem. There are no refugees in our city, only residents,” then Jerusalem-Mayor Nir Barkat stated in October. “They must receive their services from the municipality, like any other resident.”

Earlier in the year, the Trump administration cut $300 million in funding to UNRWA.

“The U.S. decision to stop funding UNRWA creates a rare opportunity to deal immediately and decisively with the PA’s intention to perpetuate the ‘refugee problem’ and encourage incitement,” Barkat said at the time. “The United States does not want UNRWA, Israel does not want UNRWA, and the residents do not want UNRWA.”

“Israel’s policy is that UNRWA should be closed down,” Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely said recently. “They’re the problem, not the solution.”

Israel recently pushed forward a five-billion-shekel plan to invest in Arab neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem.
