US pulverizes ISIS ‘infested island’ with 80,000 lbs of munitions

U.S. F15s and F35s dropped bombs along the entire length of an island used as a safe haven by ISIS fighters.

By World Israel News Staff

U.S. fighter jets flattened an island infested with ISIS terrorists by dropping 80,000 lbs. of bombs on it, the official Twitter account of Operation Inherent Resolve posted on Sept. 10.

The joint operation of coalition and Iraqi counter-terrorism forces “joined efforts to conduct strikes on Qanus island in the Salah and Din province, Iraq,” according to a video which shows bombs lighting up the entire length of the narrow island.

“Here’s what it looks like when @USAFCENT #F15 and #F35 jets drop 36,000 Kg of bombs on a Daesh infested island,” the post said.

Operation Inherent Resolve is the name given in 2014 to America’s ongoing mission to eliminate ISIS, also referred to as Daesh, “and the threat they pose to Iraq, Syria, and the wider international community.”

Operations are led and largely carried out by U.S. forces in support of regional allies.

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Operation Inherent Resolve’s website released a press release after the bombing, saying “Follow-on ground clearance operations are currently taking place by the 2nd Iraqi Special Operations Forces Battalion to destroy a major transit hub for Daesh members moving from Syria and the Jazeera desert into Mosul, Makhmour, and the Kirkuk region.”

“We’re denying Daesh the ability to hide on Qanus Island,” said Maj. Gen. Eric T. Hill, Special Operations Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve, commander. “We’re setting the conditions for our partner forces to continue bringing stability to the region.”

The 80,000 pounds of munitions dropped on the island were meant to prevent ISIS fighters from using dense brush on the island to hide their activities.
