Infant suffers head injury during Hamas rocket attack on southern Israel

After receiving initial treatment, the three-week-old girl “was transported to the hospital conscious and at this time is listed as being in serious condition,” said the United Hatzalah EMT.

By World Israel News Staff

The Israeli Air Force carried out strikes in Gaza early Friday morning in response to three rocket attacks from the Strip.

Although no one was directly hurt by the rocket fire, a three-week-old baby girl in Sderot suffered a serious head injury. Her mother had tripped while running down the stairs leading to a safe room, causing the baby to fall out of her arms.

“She was barely conscious,” said Magen David Adom paramedic Nathaniel Yamin.

According to a United Hatzalah volunteer EMT and regional spokesperson in Sderot, the infant “suffered a severe head injury.”

After receiving initial treatment, “she was transported to the hospital conscious and at this time is listed as being in serious condition.”

“Rockets, explosive balloons and sniper shots were fired from #Gaza into #Israel throughout the day,” the IDF tweeted, referring to Thursday’s violence.

“We just responded by striking Hamas terror targets in Gaza including underground infrastructure used to manufacture weapons. We hold Hamas responsible,” the army stated, adding that “the Iron Dome Aerial Defense System intercepted 2 rockets mid-air.”

Tensions between Israel and the Palestinians have heightened in the days leading up to and following  President Donald Trump’s release of his Mideast peace plan on Tuesday. Both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have rejected the Trump plan and have threatened violence.

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On Wednesday, thousands of Palestinians heeded Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s call for a day of rage by taking to the streets in Judea and Samaria, the Jordan Valley and Gaza to protest the peace deal.
