‘Letters to God’ bound for Western Wall tripled during coronavirus pandemic

Letters containing the world’s prayers made their way to the Western Wall when tourists couldn’t.

By Sharon Wrobel, The Algemeiner

The average number of letters from around the world addressed to God and sent to Israel for placement in the cracks of Jerusalem’s Western Wall has tripled over the past 12 months, Israel’s post office has said.

“Dear God, please make an end to the coronavirus pandemic,” wrote one boy from Germany. “Please, make my parents buy me a new iPhone and JBL speaker,” he added.

The coronavirus pandemic led to an almost complete halt of tourists visiting Jerusalem, but many sent their wishes, prayers and calls in the form of letters — which have landed in Israel’s post office throughout the year. Many prayed for bringing COVID-19 under control, while others asked for atonement and forgiveness. There were also many requests for new friendships, most likely as a result of the isolation during coronavirus-led lockdown periods, the post office said.

On Monday, Israel Postal Co. CEO Dany Goldstein, together with Rabbi of the Western Wall Shmuel Rabinovitch, placed hundreds of notes between the stones of the last remaining wall of the Temple Mount, ahead of the Jewish New Year holiday next week. The nature of requests is diverse, ranging from humorous letters to those asking for the victory of their favorite sports team, good health wishes, prayers for peace and messages to relatives who have passed away.

The letters sent by writers of different religions arrive from all over the world, including Kenya, Spain, India, Belgium, the United States, Japan, Canada, Ecuador, Denmark, Germany, France, Poland, and Russia.

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Each year, thousands of prayer notes are stuffed into the cracks of the Wailing Wall and are removed ahead of the penitential selichot prayers and Rosh Hashanah. The removed notes are put into special bags are buried along with other holy books and documents on the Mount of Olives.
