Biden losing support as young pro-Palestinian voters call him ‘Genocide Joe’

One Arab-American field organizer for Biden said he won’t be voting to re-elect the President even as this may help his Republican opponent, Donald Trump. 

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

A former Obama adviser says President Joe Biden has “his work cut out for him” in his 2024 re-election bid as he loses support of young and pro-Palestinian voters, especially in swing states like Michigan.

On Thursday, CNN‘s Erin Burnett covered President Biden’s visit to Michigan, a strategic swing state, to repair ties with the Arab American community.

There has been significant upset among young and pro-Palestinian progressives in the Democratic party over President Biden’s support for Israel in its war with Hamas.

Biden visited Michigan, usually a reliably Democratic state with the country’s largest Muslim population and spoke to prospective voters after many joined the “abandon Biden” movement over the President defended Israel’s military actions in Gaza.

Burnett reported that one Arab-American former field organizer for Biden said he won’t be voting to re-elect the President even as this may help his Republican opponent, Donald Trump.

Claiming that Biden was “complicit in Palestinian deaths,” the former field organizer,  when asked if the “Abandon Biden” movement would help Trump, replied, “It probably will.”

He added, “We have seen four years of Trump and we have seen four years of Biden and people don’t really see a difference between the presidents.”

A former Biden campaign staffer in Michigan also said that he would not vote for Biden against Trump, adding that Biden “is not someone” he “could trust.”

When Erin Burnett asked Van Jones how big a problem this was for Joe Biden, Jones replied, “It’s a big problem for him right now.”

He added, “There are four syllables that are aimed at him. ‘Genocide Joe.’ That is becoming something you’re hearing from the younger people, the younger voters in the Arab American community.”

However, Van Jones acknowledged that Biden could possibly “turn it around” but regaining support from the Arab American voting bloc would take effort.

“I think that he can turn it around, but you’ve got to be honest right now. You’ve got disappointment in the base with how he’s handling the war in Gaza,” Jones said.

“Now, the reality is Joe Biden has deep ties and long friendships in the Muslim community, Arab community. He can get back there but he’s got his work cut out for him right now,” he concluded.

Read  'Outrageous, absurd, dead wrong' - Biden admin. unleashes on Israeli minister opposed to ceasefire deal

One of the ways Joe Biden may be trying to win back support of pro-Palestinian voters is by pushing for a Palestinian State, something that has resurfaced in his rhetoric in recent weeks.

Axios reported that President Joe Biden is considering recognition of a Palestinian State after the Gaza war.

In addition, the US President has condemned what he calls “settler violence” and has threatened sanctions against residents in Judea and Samaria the US considers as engaging in “extremist” actions.

Israeli Prime Minister pushed back on these statements, and said, “The overwhelming majority of residents in Judea and Samaria are law-abiding citizens, many of whom are currently fighting – as conscripts and reservists – to defend Israel.”
