Arab-Israeli Conflict

Israel Air Force

IAF bombs Syrian target in response to stray fire

While Israel has managed to stay out of the Syrian civil war raging on its border, the Jewish state has vowed to retaliate against any and all fire crossing its territory, whether intentional or not.
July 26, 2016
PA honors terrorist

WATCH: Palestinian Authority glorifies terror

The Palestinian Authority recently built a monument to honor a Palestinian terrorist, Abu Sukkar, who perpetrated a terror attack in Jerusalem in July 1975 in which 15 people were murdered.
July 22, 2016

Did Israel attack in Syria?

The southern Syrian town of Baath has been hit by an explosion and some people believe Israel was behind the blast.
July 20, 2016
Lebanon border

Shots fired at IDF post in north

The general quiet on Israel's northern border is deceiving as Hezbollah is constantly working in the area to prepare itself, including its buildup of thousands of missiles, for its next attack against Israel.
July 20, 2016
Terror tunnel

Islamic Jihad terrorist killed in tunnel collapse

Palestinian terrorists in Gaza continue to search for ways to attack Israel, including by trying to dig tunnels underneath the Gaza border and into Jewish communities where they hope to murder Israeli civilians.
July 19, 2016
UNESCO heade Irina Bokova

UNESCO head affirms Jerusalem holy to all 3 religions

Following the recent uproar over Jordan and the Palestinian Authority's attempt to erase the Jewish people's millennium-old connection to the Temple Mount, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova emphasized that all three religions have recognized rights to Jerusalem.
July 18, 2016
Hamas summer camp

WATCH: Hamas opens summer terror-training camps

While most children attend camps that focus on healthy extracurricular activities, youth in Gaza are recruited to attend terror-training camps where they learn how to kill Israelis.
July 18, 2016
Patriot missile

IAF attempts to down Syrian UAV

Syria's civil war occasionally spills over into Israel, but the entrance of a drone into Israel's airspace constitutes a different level of danger and Israel immediately reacted by attempting to shoot it down, but the drone managed to escape.
July 18, 2016
home demolition

Israel demolishes home of terrorist

Fighting its relentless war on Palestinian terrorism, IDF forces destroyed the home of a Palestinian terrorist who assisted in the murder of an Israeli policewoman.
July 18, 2016
Temple Mount

UNESCO pulls resolution calling Temple Mount Muslim

Israeli diplomats can rest easier now that the vote, proposed by Jordan and the Palestinians, and which would have formally denied the historical connection of the Jewish People to the Temple Mount and Kotel, has been pulled from the agenda.
July 17, 2016
Jerusalem attack

Massive Palestinian bomb attack thwarted in Jerusalem

An alert security guard on Jerusalem's Light Rail system succeeded in thwarting a potentially devastating bombing attack in downtown Jerusalem on Sunday after he approached a suspicious-looking man and then quickly arrested him when he saw an explosive device.
July 17, 2016
Shin Bet Nadav Argaman

Shin Bet: Terror attacks down, but motivation high

Briefing the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Israel's Security Agency Director Nadav Argaman warned that the motivation among Palestinian terrorist groups to attack remains high although the surge in attacks appears to be fading.
July 14, 2016
Mahmoud Abbas

Report: Palestinians refuse talks until Israel meets demands

Palestinian leaders are refusing to meet with Israeli leaders in Cairo unless Israel meets their demands which include a freeze on construction in Judea and Samaria, set a timetable for negotiations, and agree to negotiations based on the 1949 armistice lines.
July 14, 2016

Palestinian terrorist killed in IDF raid

As IDF soldiers were operating in the Palestinian town of A-Ram, just north of Jerusalem, on Wednesday morning, a terrorist apparently tried to ram his car into the soldiers, prompting them to open fire, killing him.
July 13, 2016

Analysis: Hezbollah weaker but still threat to Israel

Hezbollah's involvement in the Syrian war has left the terror group looking even more like an Iranian tool fighting for its own self-interest, but it is for this very reason that Israel remains threatened.
July 12, 2016
Bilal Abu Ghanem

Palestinian terrorist sentenced to life for murdering 3

Bilal Abu Ghanem, the Palestinian terrorist who carried out the terror attack on a bus in Jerusalem in October, in which he murdered three Israelis, was sentenced on Monday to three life sentences with an additional 60 years.
July 12, 2016
Netanyahu Abbas

Report: Netanyahu agrees to Egypt summit with Abbas

After meeting with Egypt's foreign minister and following years of expressing willingness to negotiate anytime, anywhere with Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly said he is open to a meeting in Egypt.
July 12, 2016
Francois Hollande

French Middle East peace conference delayed 

France insists on hosting a conference to discuss a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict even though Israel believes the initiative removes the incentive for Palestinians to negotiate and even though the Palestinians declared they will never again negotiate directly with Israel.
May 17, 2016

Report: Hezbollah working to acquire chemical weapons

The Lebanese Hezbollah terror organization is working to stockpile chemical weapons and may have already used them against anti-Assad rebels in Syria, the London based Arabic language Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported on Thursday.
May 9, 2016
Hamas Gaza

Hamas terrorist indicted for security offenses in Israeli court

Madhat Abu Sneimeh, who was arrested last month, was charged with contact with a foreign agent, conspiring to commit a crime, attempted murder, providing the enemy with intelligence, partaking in illegal military training, membership in an illegal organization, weapons offenses and more.
May 2, 2016
French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault

French again meddling in Israeli-Palestinian conflict

The French are working to put together a summit on the Israeli-Palestinian issue - without the Israelis or Palestinians - and will likely push Israel toward concessions that would threaten the national and security interests of the Jewish State.
April 24, 2016