
Former Jordanian PM Abdelsalam Al-Majali. (screenshot)

WATCH: Former PM of Jordan threatens to ‘take Haifa by force’

While former Jordanian PM Abdelsalam Al-Majali defends the Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty in this interview with Jordan Today TV, he maintains that the only thing preventing the Arabs from overrunning Israel is their relative military weakness.
August 31, 2018

WATCH: West Nile virus strikes Israel

Israel and the Mediterranean have seen an increase in cases of West Nile virus, with symptoms like high fever and, rarely, brain infections. Why the sudden pandemic?
August 29, 2018

WATCH: Is another clash with Hezbollah inevitable for Israel?

While the Gaza border and the Syrian front remain in the news, Israel continues to closely watch the Lebanese border, remaining prepared for what some see as an 'highly likely' next round of clashes with the Hezbollah terror group entrenched in the area.
August 27, 2018

WATCH: Does Russia control the Syrian playing field?

New York Times journalist Ivan Nechepurenko says Russia wants to maintain the illusion that it controls the playing field in Syria but in reality there are several players with conflicting interests.
August 26, 2018

WATCH: Is Russia capable of pushing Iran out of Syria?

Joel Rubin, a former high-ranking official in the US State Department, posits that contrary to Russia's claims that it is incapable of removing Iran from Syria, Moscow has the leverage required to address the Iranian presence near Israel's border.
August 23, 2018
Facebook incitement. (Screenshot)

WATCH: Iranian hackers spread misinformation on Facebook

Facebook is targeting an Iranian misinformation campaign designed to challenge people's beliefs, rules, and culture, according to Israeli hacking expert Ram Levi. Iranian hackers are spreading misinformatio...
August 23, 2018