Israel might forbid travel to US, designate country ‘red’

It could happen as soon as this coming Tuesday, warns head of non-profit assisting immigrants to Israel.

By World Israel News Staff

Rabbi Dov Lipman, former Member of Knesset and founder and head of Yad ‘Olim, a non-profit organization in Israel that advocates on behalf of Olim (immigrants) their families, said he will do everything he can to prevent Israel from designating the U.S. as a ‘red’ country.

Such a move would be devastating to American-Israelis, who often travel to their home country to visit family or attend miilestone events.

“The Israeli government is strongly considering classifying the USA as a red country, with a target date of this coming Tuesday,” Lipman announced on Facebook.

“Yad L’Olim and others will spend the next few days doing everything in our power to reverse this possible decision and advocate for changes in its implementation, particularly the short notice given. However, I feel it’s my responsibility to suggest that anyone with an approval to enter Israel should try to land in Israel before this coming Tuesday December 21, 2021,” he wrote.

He noted that “an Israeli can only travel to a red country with special permission. Even if you hold dual US-Israel citizenship, traveling to a red country requires rarely granted permission from an Exceptions Committee. If you want to avoid that process, you must leave Israel before the USA turns red.

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“I hope that we succeed in preventing this from happening, and will post updates as we know more,” he added.
