‘Jews stood in the way’ of overturning Roe v. Wade, says far-right activist

Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes told his followers, “Jews can’t make our laws.”

By World Israel News Staff

White nationalist provocateur Nick Fuentes claimed that “Jews stood in the way” of overturning Roe v. Wade, adding that Jews “can’t make the laws.”

Fuentes, who founded the America First Political Action Committee and the far-right ”groyper army,” made the comments on his website’s livestream on Friday, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported.

“We need a government of Christians,” Fuentes said. “Jewish people can be here, but they can’t make our laws.”

“If Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Jewish woman, didn’t die last year, so that Amy Coney Barrett, a Catholic woman, could be appointed to the bench, we would still have Roe v. Wade,” Fuentes said. “Now you tell me that this is a Judeo-Christian country… You tell me that it doesn’t matter that we have a lot of Jewish people in government.”

Fuentes routinely expresses antisemitic and white nationalist views. A clip from 2019 shows Fuentes denying the Holocaust by comparing the death of Jews in ovens to baking cookies.

“It takes one hour to cook a batch of cookies, and you have 15 ovens probably in four different kitchens, right? Doing 24 hours a day every day for five years, how long would it take you to make six million? Hmmm. I don’t know. It certainly wouldn’t be five years, right? The math doesn’t quite seem to add up there,” he said.

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“I don’t think you would get to six million,” he added.

He was also filmed saying Jim Crow was “better for” white people and black people.

Fuentes admitted he avoids the term “white nationalist” purely because it isn’t strategic.

“The reason I wouldn’t call myself a white nationalist — it’s not because I don’t see the necessity for white people to have a homeland and for white people to have a country,” Fuentes said, according to a 2018 article in The Jerusalem Post. “It’s because I think that kind of terminology is used almost exclusively by the left to defame, and I think the terminology and the labels that we use — I don’t think that we can look at them outside of the context of their connotations in America.”

Still, as JTA noted, sitting members of Congress, including Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Paul Gosar of Arizona, Idaho Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin, and Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers were featured speakers at Fuentes’ AFPAC conference in February. Rogers was blasted by her state Republican party for her appearance at the conference.

Gosar previously hosted a fundraiser with Fuentes, a fact he later tried to deny.
