Netanyahu threatens Hezbollah leader with ‘crushing blow that he cannot even imagine’

“If he confronts us, he will receive a crushing blow that he cannot even imagine,” Netanyahu stated in response to Nasrallah’s boast of “accurate missiles.”

By: World Israel News Staff

Responding Thursday evening to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s threat to attack Israel with “accurate missiles,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated: “I suggest that he think not twice but 20 times because if he confronts us, he will receive a crushing blow that he cannot even imagine,”

Speaking earlier in the day on the occasion of the Muslim Ashura holiday on Thursday, Nasrallah addressed Israel directly, boasting that “the entire balance of power has changed.”

Hezbollah has “accurate missiles that if used in any future war will change the entire equation,” Nasrallah said.

The Israelis “can’t imagine their fate if these missiles are used in any future war,” he declared.

Root of the problem: Iran

“I heard the arrogant words that came from the direction of Hezbollah. This comes from the same man who said after 2006 that if he had known what Israel’s response would be to the abduction of three of our soldiers, he would have thought twice about doing it,” Netanyahu said.

Read  Why the IDF is remaining in five key posts in southern Lebanon - analysis

‘Regarding our relations with Russia, I spoke with President Putin on the eve of Yom Kippur, right before the start of the holy day,” the prime minister said. “I expressed my regret and that of the citizens of Israel over the deaths of the 15 Russian air crew members, whose plane was brought down by Syrian fire.

“I told him that the root of the problem is Iran’s attempt to use Syrian territory for attacks against Israel and to arm our enemies, such as Hezbollah. I told him that we have the right of self-defense,” he ocntinued.

“There is also very great importance to maintaining the security coordination between Israel and Russia; therefore, I decided to send GOC Air Force Maj.-Gen. Amikam Norkin to Moscow with a double objective. One, to continue defending our citizens, and two, to preserve the cooperation between our two countries.”
