An Israeli security company took a self-targeting shooting system and adapted it to sit on top of a vehicle, creating an autonomous mobile weapons system.
A nano-satellite developed by Israeli students will conduct cosmic radiation measurements that will help develop better protection for astronauts and equipment in space, ILTV reports.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking at Ariel University in Samaria on Wednesday, celebrated the signing of an agreement opening 'Judea and Samaria to academic, commercial and scientific engagement with the United States.'
Israeli company Yaturu uses augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology to bring ancient Jerusalem to life, reports The Watchman host Erick Stakelbeck.
An innovative new drone from Israeli startup Gadfin combines the vertical takeoff and small footprint of the drone with the forward flight of an airplane.
Dror Tamir, co-Founder and CEO of Hargol Foodtech, is adding some new products to the company's offerings, including locust protein pancake mix and smoothie locust powders.