Terrorist armed with axe goes on rampage near Israeli naval base

Arab-Israeli terrorist rams into pedestrians in Haifa, attacks others with axe.

By World Israel News Staff

An Arab-Israeli terrorist armed with an axe seriously wounded an Israeli soldier in the northern city of Haifa Monday morning.

The attack took place near an Israeli naval base in Haifa, when a terrorist rammed his vehicle into a 20-year-old Israeli soldier in the Bat Galim neighborhood.

The terrorist then exited the vehicle while brandishing an axe to hack at his victim.

Other soldiers present at the scene opened fire on the terrorist, killing him.

The terrorist has been identified as 27-year-old Wassim abu al-Hoga, an Arab-Israeli resident of Tamra.

Haifa attack

Terrorist shot at scene of axe attack in Haifa, January 29th, 2024. (Twitter/X)

Emergency first responders from Magen David Adom (MDA) and United Hatzalah were dispatched to the scene to treat the wounded soldier before evacuating him to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa.

The wounded soldier is listed in serious condition.

Police forces have been deployed to the area and an investigation of the incident launched.

Earlier Monday morning, a 16-year-old Palestinian Arab terrorist carrying a knife attacked an IDF soldier south of Jerusalem.

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The attack took place between the Israeli towns of Efrat and Tekoa in the Gush Etzion district.

Before the terrorist could reach his intended target, soldiers opened fire and neutralized him.

No injuries were reported to Israeli security personnel.
