Terrorist killed while attacking Israeli worshippers at Joseph’s Tomb, prepared for his death

Hours before his death, the teenaged terrorist posted an unusual will.

By Aryeh Savir, TPS and World Israel News Staff

Thousands of Israeli worshippers, secured by IDF forces, prayed at Joseph’s Tomb in the city of Shechem (Nablus) on Tuesday night, during which a terrorist who attacked them was shot and killed.

The IDF stated that during the coordinated entry of worshipers to the site, hundreds of Arabs began rioting violently, throwing stones and Molotov cocktails and shooting at the forces. The troops responded by firing at a suspect who threw a Molotov cocktail. The terrorist was killed. There were no Israeli casualties.

The Palestinian Authority’s (PA) Ministry of Health identified the terrorist as Ghaith Rafiq Yamin, 16. It further claimed that 88 rioters were injured in the clashes, including 19 from rubber bullets and 67 from tear gas.

​ The entry into Shechem, which is under PA control, occurs several times a year. The prayers take place only during the night and under heavy security provided by the IDF.

Hours before his death, Telegram blogger Abu Ali Express posted, Yamin left behind the following unusual will on social media, where he was active:

“If I die don’t forget the following:

Don’t put me in the refrigerator (Mortuary cabinet – Abu Ali). I don’t like the cold…

When you come to bury me, put me next to (children’s graves – Abu Ali) so that I will not be left alone.

Leave my social media accounts open and occasionally post things there so you do not forget me.

The bracelet I love is under my pillow, don’t lose it.

Distribute Quran books with my name on the first page.

Come and visit me every few days. Talk to me. I’ll listen to you.

Don’t cry because I do not want to upset anyone, and I don’t want them to cry because of me.”

Apart from this unusual will, the blogger continued, Yamin wrote to his friend Tuesday at 12:30 that he intends to be a “martyr” during the clashes meant to prevent Jews from entering Joseph’s Tomb that day.

Furthermore, he reported, the necklace with a picture of Muhammad a-Dahil was found on Yamin’s neck. A-Dahil is one of the three members of the (Shechem) Nablus cell eliminated by IDF special forces in early February.
