4 wounded including 2 soldiers on leave in Samaria explosion

The explosion comes a few days after a terrorist shooting in Samaria. 

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

Four people were wounded, including two soldiers on leave, after a bomb exploded adjacent to the Israeli town of Hermesh in Samaria.

Other people sustained minor injuries and all were transferred to the hospital for medical treatment.

Security forces were on the scene searching for terrorist suspects.

The explosion comes a few days after a terrorist shooting in Samaria.

On Tuesday, three people were wounded after a shooting in a terrorist attack near Shavei Shomron in Samaria, some six miles northwest of Nablus.

The three were wounded by shattered glass from a vehicle hit by the shots.

The victims, males aged 15, 16, and 32, were treated at Meir Medical Center in Kfar Saba.

The IDF searched for terrorists.

Uri Hirschfeld, discussed the details of the incident with the head of the Samaria Council, Yossi Dagan, who lives nearby, according to Israel National News.

“We left Avnei Hefetz and were heading to Har Bracha. We got to the intersection. I heard a loud boom, and found … the exit holes of a bullet. I looked to my friend on my right and saw that he had been hit and had blood on his hands,” he said.

“We continued driving straight from here, and we saw an IDF jeep. We stopped it and arrived here,” he added

“We are strong, and we will still drive here. It will be all right, with God’s help,” he said.

The shooting took place close to the area where Elhanan Klein was murdered in a terrorist attack in November.

The attack is a “clear reminder that there is a war in Judea and Samaria, just like there is a war in Gaza and on the northern border,” said Dagan.

“The Palestinian Authority is the same as Hamas. Some are terrorists in suits, and some are terrorists with a green [Hamas] bandana on their foreheads. I demand from the government and the high command to change the approach already,” he continued.
