IDF launches manhunt for terror cell that murdered father of 6

The IDF has launched an operation to capture the terror cell that shot and killed an Israeli citizen in Samaria.  

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

The IDF boosted its presence in Samaria and launched a manhunt on Wednesday for the Palestinian terror cell that shot and killed Rabbi Raziel Shevach on Tuesday night.

The IDF expanded its checkpoints at the entrances to Shechem (Nablus), the Palestinian city closest to the vicinity of the attack, where the terror cell is believed to have escaped. The IDF also imposed a partial curfew on surrounding Palestinian towns.

Senior IDF officers convened after the attack to assess the situation and issue new plans to capture the terror cell. Further IDF forces were brought in to the region to help with the operation.

Palestinian terrorists killed Shevach, a resident of Havat Gilad in northern Samaria, in a drive-by shooting. Raziel, a father of six, was 35.

The IDF believes that there was possibly more than one shooter in the attack. The military uncovered 22 5.56 mm bullet casings at the site, indicating that a standard, and not improvised, weapon was used.

Read  Israeli FM urges evacuation of Palestinians from Samaria during anti-terror operation

IDF Chief of Staff  Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot arrived at the scene of the attack on Wednesday and was briefed by senior IDF officers.

“Our main objective is to locate the cell, arrest it and prevent further similar incidents, while preparing for the continued operation in the area in the coming days,” Eizenkot stated.

In related news, IDF forces launched counter-terrorism operations throughout Judea and Samaria and arrested 11 wanted Palestinians. Forces operating in in the Hebron seized several thousand shekels meant for funding terror.
