Poll: 89% of right-wing voters support annexation even without agreement

Right-wing voters support annexation with or without an international agreement, a poll finds. 

By World Israel News Staff

Survey results released on Friday show that a vast majority of right-wing voters support unilateral annexation by Israel of territories currently under its control.

The poll, conducted by Direct Polls and commissioned by the right-wing Sovereignty Movement, found that 89% of right-wing voters support annexation even without an international agreement.

Direct Polls noted in a tweet that the number stands in opposition to “Benny Gantz’s assertion of sovereignty only with international agreement.”

The poll also found that about 41% support sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea areas.

The poll found 32% support sovereignty in all of Area C, which makes up about 60% of the areas of Judea and Samaria. This area is are under full Israeli control.

Of those polled, 71% say that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should lead the initiative.

Seventy-three percent oppose establishing a Palestinian state in Areas A and B.

The survey was conducted digitally with 522 respondents from the adult Jewish population in Israel (18+) who voted for right-wing parties.

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The Sovereignty Movement is led by Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar. It advocates holding onto lands captured in the 1967 Six Day War and opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state.
