Arab-Israeli Conflict

Mahmoud abbas

Israel releases frozen PA tax funds

After much deliberation, Israel and the PA have agreed on a formula for the transfer of the funds collected by Israel on behalf of the PA.
April 19, 2015
Palestinian worker seen inside a smuggling tunnel dug beneath the Gaza-Egypt border in the southern Gaza Strip. (Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash90)

Hamas rebuilding bases to attack Israel

Hamas has confiscated building materials supplied by Israel meant for civilian reconstruction and is using it to rebuild bases and terror infrastructure.
March 16, 2015
Hamas terrorists launch rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel. (Yossi Aloni/FLASH90)

United Nations panel asks to postpone publishing Gaza war report

A UN inquiry will publish a report on war crimes that took place during Hamas's war against Israel last year, during which Hamas indiscriminately fired thousands of rockets at Israel. Israel often objects to such UN inquiries, finding them biased.
March 10, 2015
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New missile enables Iran attack on Europe

Iran showcased the new Soumar missile, capable of an attack on Europe. Analysts are speculating this public display is a signal to the US and Israel, demonstrating growing Iranian power.
March 9, 2015

Israel to Connect New Palestinian City to Water Grid

Although the Palestinians have resisted cooperating with Israel over connecting the new Palestinian city of Rawabi to the national water grid, Israel announced last week that it approved the move anyway.
March 3, 2015
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Security Forces Bust Hamas Terror Ring

Israeli security forces again succeeded in thwarting a plot against its citizens. On Monday, they announced the arrest of a Hamas terror ring.
February 23, 2015
IDF destroys Hamas terror tunnel. (Flash 90)

IDF Destroys Hamas Terror Tunnel

After its discovery last summer during Operation Protective Edge, the IDF has finally destroyed a terror tunnel meant to be used by Hamas in an attack against Israel.
February 9, 2015
PA head Mahmous Abbas (L) and chief negotiator Saeb Erekat at a press conference. (Photo: Uri Lenz/Flash90)

Abbas Pushing Case Against Israel at ICC

The PA established a new committee to monitor lawsuits against Israel. Both Jerusalem and Washington have criticized this latest act of diplomatic warfare.
February 8, 2015
Nikolay Mladenov, the new Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. (Wikipedia)

UN appoints new Middle East envoy

Current UN envoy to Iraq, Nikolay Mladenov, will replace Robert Serry as Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process.
February 6, 2015
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. (Shutterstock)

UN Condemns Israel, Ignores Hezbollah

While castigating Israel for the death of a UN peacekeeper during last week's battle with Hezbollah, the UN Security Council did not censure the terror organization.
February 5, 2015