Analysis: Europe’s hypocrisy towards Israel, ‘Do as we say, not as we do’Once again, the EU displays a brazen hypocrisy towards Israel by applying the policy of 'Do as we say, not as we do.' March 18, 2018
Fighting yesterday’s Jew-hatredThe purpose of a conference on anti-Semitism was to discuss current and future challenges, but the expert panel appeared mentally stuck in the past. March 14, 2018
Opinion: Trump is betraying American victims of Palestinian terrorIt turns out that in some cases, the Trump administration can behave just like its predecessors. March 12, 2018
To AIPAC’s CEO: Picture the perils of ‘Palestine’An open letter to AIPAC CEO Howard Kohr addresses his call for the establishment of a Palestinian state at the organization's annual policy conference. March 10, 2018
Abbas: Peace with Israel is ‘treason’Why would the Palestinian leader make genuine peace with the Jews? March 8, 2018
Will deal-maker Trump succeed in the Middle East?Trump has always fancied himself as a deal-maker, and it's no surprise he might want to put his skill to use in the Middle East. March 4, 2018
Analysis: Why this Polish Holocaust law is different from all othersWhy has there been an international uproar against Poland but virtual silence concerning similar Holocaust-related laws in other Eastern European states? February 28, 2018
Analysis: Two Munich summits – 1938 and 2018Then, like now, what starts with the Jews does not end with the Jews. February 25, 2018
Palestinians: Hamas and Fatah – united against TrumpWhile Hamas and Fatah continue to battle for control of Gaza, they are united in their war against President Trump. February 20, 2018
Analysis: Police recommendations against Netanyahu – a coup d’état?Netanyahu was elected as the Prime Minster, not as the Pope. Accordingly, he should be judged primarily on the basis of his political and strategic accomplishments, not his personal morality. What we are wit... February 16, 2018
In an Orwellian era, celebrities support human rights by attacking IsraelStars of the silver screen line up to condemn Israel in the name of helping Palestinians, while turning a blind eye to some of the worst human rights abuses in the world. February 7, 2018
Changing the Israel conversation among Democrats The deep rifts in American society, including attitude towards Israel, predate President Donald Trump. January 25, 2018
Opinion: What did you hear when Mike Pence spoke to the Knesset?How did Pence’s Knesset speech come to be seen as just another front in America’s increasingly bitter partisan wars? January 23, 2018
Opinion: Why Trump’s Palestinian aid cut threat makes senseDespite the fact that funding the PA is counterproductive, the so-called experts seeking to restrain Trump can’t seem to grasp this fact. January 12, 2018
Analysis: Trump’s give-and-take plan for Arab-Israeli peaceAny final deal, financial or political, requires two sides giving and taking. Netanyahu and Trump certainly understand this reality. January 4, 2018
Is Hezbollah eating the Iranian People’s bread?The demonstrators are demanding that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei spend Iranian money for Iranian people -- and only for Iranian people. January 4, 2018
Analysis: ‘United Jerusalem’ law paves way for tampering with Israeli capital’s municipal boundariesThe door is now open to tampering with the city's municipal boundaries in order to ensure a large Jewish majority. January 4, 2018
Opinion: Palestinians always on the wrong sideThe PA ambassador's participation in a rally together with an arch-terrorist reflects a longstanding Palestinian tradition of siding with evil. January 3, 2018
Opinion: Iranian unrest can bring peace for Israel and beyond Renewed protests in Iran against the regime and the deteriorating living conditions in the country could bring about positive change. December 31, 2017
Opinion: France’s Macron submits to the Arab worldMacron is now showing a strategic empathy and commitment to the Arab-Islamic world. Is this statement a prelude to submission? December 26, 2017
Analysis: The international embassy race to JerusalemWhich countries will be the first to join the Americans in moving their embassies to Jerusalem? December 24, 2017
Analysis: Nikki Haley, the Trump administration’s ‘breakout star’, shines for IsraelWhatever Trump may have gotten wrong, his choice of Nikki Haley as ambassador to the UN was a masterstroke. December 24, 2017
Anti-Semitism can’t solve the Muslim world’s problemsMuslim masses are now less preoccupied with Jews and more focused on addressing the serious socio-economic problems in the Arab world. December 19, 2017
Analysis: Austria’s new government to resist ‘Islamization’A coalition between two Austrian parties is poised to catapult the country to the vanguard of Western Europe's resistance to Muslim immigration. December 17, 2017
Analysis: Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital equals recognizing reality As the first US president coming from outside the establishment, Trump brings a fresh dynamic and approach to the Middle East and beyond. December 8, 2017
Analysis: The real Palestinian response to Trump’s Jerusalem speechPalestinian leaders and spokesmen strive to create the impression that Trump's policy regarding Jerusalem will bring the region down in flames. December 7, 2017
Analysis: From Amman to JerusalemRather than heeding Abdullah’s threats of violence, Trump can tell him to prevent that violence by ending his media’s antisemitic incitement. December 4, 2017
Analysis: PLO office open, path to peace closed The US decision to reverse its decision to close the PLO’s Washington office is disappointing but hardly surprising. November 30, 2017
Analysis: Egypt looking for answers to Islamic terror in SinaiThe terrorists who killed over 300 people in the Sinai mosque on Friday provided the first major test for army chief Field Marshall Muhammad Farid Hegazy. November 27, 2017
Arab states will abandon Israel when Iran threat dies, security expert warnsSunni Arab states will abandon Israel as US abandoned the Kurds, leading Israeli national security analyst warns. November 25, 2017
Opinion: How 10 Dem (dumb) Congress members encourage the use of child terroristsTen members of the 'progressive caucus' of the Democratic Party are giving terrorist leaders more reason to use young terrorists to kill even more innocent civilians. November 23, 2017
Dershowitz: California Student Newspaper Refuses to Publish My Response to Anti-Semitic Op-EdOn November 3, The Daily Californian published an op-ed by Matthew Taylor, explicitly accusing me of having "blood on his hands" and being "culpable for the perpetuation of... atrocities." The article was wors... November 10, 2017
The Israel-Saudi connection: Iranian aggression is the matchmakerThe Iranian threat has pushed Saudi Arabia to seek secret cooperation with the only power in the region with the capability and willpower to stop Iran’s aggression: Israel. November 8, 2017
Opinion: Britain should apologize for undermining the Balfour DeclarationAnti-Israel activists demand that Britain apologize for the Balfour Declaration, but in fact they should apologize for undermining the historic document. November 7, 2017
Opinion: Thanks to Obama, America is two steps behind Iran in Middle EastAmerica's myopic Middle East policies, formulated under Obama, have enabled Iran to become a regional superpower. October 24, 2017
Opinion: CNN and Qatar Airways take fake news to new heights"CNN's readiness to run the new Qatar Airways commercial takes the network's shamelessness to a whole new level." October 13, 2017
Opinion: Concessions to Palestinians – choking or inflaming terrorism?Will Western policy-makers and peace negotiators finally learn from precedents by repeating, or avoiding, past critical and costly errors? October 3, 2017
Analysis: Germany’s Far-Right AfD party – Good or bad for Jews and Israel?The Jewish diaspora leadership is misreading today’s European political map and the changing winds of anti-Semitism. October 1, 2017
Analysis: Why Israel should care about North KoreaWith Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, why should Israel care about North Korea? September 25, 2017
Opinion: Former CIA officer knew she was tweeting vicious Anti-SemitismA former CIA operative retweeted a virulently anti-Semitic article by a well-known bigot, which she described as “thoughtful.” Now she's trying to make excuses. September 23, 2017
Analysis: The Palestinian Authority’s War on ArtInstead of embracing cultural events that strive to enhance coexistence, the Palestinians consider art a mortal threat to their ideology and values. September 11, 2017
Opinion: After Charlottesville, Netanyahu’s hard choiceCharlottesville may prove to be a seminal moment not just for the Trump administration, but also for determining Netanyahu's legacy as a champion of Jewish rights. August 25, 2017
OPINION: When Feminists Join Islamist Terrorists…When the European Union's Frederica Mogherini smiles in her hijab in Iran, she is delivering a strong blow to women rights movements . She is empowering suppression. August 20, 2017
Opinion: The Palestinian Authority is a Genocidal Terrorist Entity and Should be Treated as SuchWhy not tell European leaders that the Palestinian Authority is still a genocidal terrorist organization? Why not ask them how they can agree to finance in the Middle East what they claim to reject with horror in Europe? August 17, 2017
Opinion: Palestinian ‘creativity for hate’ deters efforts at normalizationPalestinian girls attending a coexistence program with Israelis are the latest victims of a culture of hate. August 8, 2017
Opinion: Arabs marginalize the Palestinian issueThe Al-Aqsa Mosque controversy has exposed, once again, the non-centrality of the Palestinian issue in the overall Arab order of priorities. August 6, 2017
Analysis: Abbas’ security doubletalkIt is far from lost on the PA that security coordination with Israel is what stands between a very hungry Hamas and Abbas served up on toast for breakfast. July 25, 2017
Analysis: UNESCO supports terrorThe UNESCO resolutions denying the Jewish ties to the Holy Land are being interpreted by many Palestinians as a green light to pursue their 'armed struggle' to 'liberate Palestine.' July 12, 2017
Opinion: To fight anti-Semitism, Indian PM should launch Jewish Studies programIndian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Israel means the time is ripe for Jewish Studies to be introduced to Indian academia. July 10, 2017
Is radical Islam horrifying the West into paralysis?With policies dictated by the fear of negative media images spread across the world, the West's decision-making is susceptible to appeasement, censorship and retreat to avoid facing the horrible reality and fighting it head on. July 5, 2017
Analysis: Time to recognize Israel as world’s oldest victim of ‘fake news’Recognition that Israel is the longest-standing subject of fake news is long overdue. June 18, 2017
Nazism on America’s DoorstepWhen Self-Righteousness and Moral Superiority Take the Helm—Beware! June 16, 2017
Why Won’t Abbas Accept ‘Two States for Two Peoples’?In a few months, Israel will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the historic UN compromise, but the PA leaders still refuse to accept the principle of that resolution: two states for two peoples. June 13, 2017
Dershowitz: Trump did not obstruct justiceHistory, precedent and Comey's statement show that Trump did not obstruct justice, says world-renowned US attorney Alan Dershowitz, a lifelong Democrat. June 8, 2017
Terrorists not ‘losers’ nor ‘worshipers of death,’ but ‘idealists’Western leaders cannot expect to defeat terrorism in their countries when they deny the roots of the jihadi phenomenon. June 5, 2017
Israel’s Goodwill Gestures Send Wrong Message to PalestiniansPalestinians read Israeli goodwill steps as signs of weakness and retreat, not goodwill gestures towards peace. June 4, 2017
Israel’s First World problems: On Aerosmith and security prisonersThe good times in Israel are rolling. So much so, that even jailed murderers want to get in on the growing bonhomie. May 17, 2017
Dershowitz: Firing Comey not an obstruction of justiceAn absurd argument is now being put forward by some Democratic ideologues: namely that Trump engaged in the crime of obstructing justice by firing Comey. May 12, 2017
Is Trump’s bestseller the key to peace in the Middle East?Does 'Art of the Deal,' Trump's bestseller, contain the secret to peace in the Middle East? May 11, 2017
Emmanuel Macron, a ‘useful infidel’?Macron, a 'useful infidel,' is not a supporter of terrorism or Islamism. It is worse: he does not even see the threat. May 8, 2017